Kate's Take: where Kate Erickson of Entrepreneurs On Fire shares a behind-the-scenes look at how to run a 7-figure business. Looking for step-by-step, in-depth and actionable lessons that will help you start creating, growing and monetizing your business? Then you're in the right place! Ditch overwhelm and start taking action today.
Top podcasting conferences
31/07/2023 Duração: 12minIf you're a podcaster, then you've likely heard of at least one or two of these podcasting events. Every year there are some epic events and conferences put on by some of the biggest brands in podcasting. These events ranging from intimate and unique to massive! In this episode I review the top podcasting conferences and share a bit about each one so you can decide if one (or more) of these podcasting conferences should be on your radar! Mentioned in this episode: PodFest Multimedia Expo Podcast Movement Evolutions and Podcast Movement She Podcasts LIVE! Online / virtual events, like International Podcast Day Podcasters at Sea hosted by Michael Neeley A list of upcoming podcasting events Questions about podcasting? Shoot me an email! [email protected]
Q&A: What’s the fastest path to monetizing my podcast?
24/07/2023 Duração: 09minWouldn't we all love to know the fastest path to monetization? Great news is, there is an answer. But that answer depends on where you're at with your business - and with your podcast. First, we want to take a look at our two biggest considerables: The time we have available to focus on monetizing our podcast Our current podcast and business setup As a brand new podcaster without an audience, website, or existing business, your fastest path to monetization is going to be much different from a podcaster who has been growing an audience for a year... Or from a podcaster who has an existing business and is adding a podcast as a marketing arm. Tune in to today's episode for a breakdown on the fastest path to monetizing your podcast based on where you're at on your journey. Mentioned in this episode: Questions about podcasting? Shoot me an email! [email protected]
How to monetize your podcast
17/07/2023 Duração: 20minMonetizing your podcast is one of the most exciting - and sometimes frustrating - parts of podcasting. Today I cover 6 ways you can monetize your podcast - no matter what stage of the podcasting game you're in. Which one of these strategies is right for you when it comes to getting started with monetization? We'll get you an answer by the end of today's episode. Mentioned in this episode: ClickFunnels Questions about podcasting? Shoot me an email! [email protected]
Q&A: What's the difference between relaunching vs. launching a brand new podcast?
10/07/2023 Duração: 08minWhen it comes to deciding whether to relaunch your existing podcast or launch a brand new podcast, there are definitely some things you want to keep in mind. Will your topic or content be changing? Are you trying to speak to a completely different audience? Why do you want to relaunch or start from scratch? Throughout this episode I'll cover the different considerations, and based on your answers, we'll end with whether a relaunch or a competely new show is best for you. Plus, I cover the number one most important thing you need to do if you do decide to relaunch your podcast. If you have any questions about podcasting, I’d love to include them in our feature Q&A episodes! Send me an email: [email protected] or visit to submit your questions!
Podcast growth strategies
03/07/2023 Duração: 12minSpoiler alert: there is no shortcut or golden ticket to podcast growth. If you want to grow your podcast and have it become successful, then you need to PUT IN THE WORK. In today's episode I'm going to cover 5 ways that we've proven work to grow your podcast. If you're willing to commit to these strategies and be consistent, I'm very confidence they will work for you, too. Guesting on other podcasts (plus podcast swaps) Asking your guest to share their episode (how to ask) Joining groups in your niche and adding value Sharing the podcast with friends and family CTA’s to ask listeners to share with someone they know Mentioned in this episode: If you have any questions about podcasting, I’d love to include them in our feature Q&A episodes! Send me an email: [email protected] or visit to submit your questions!
Creating your podcast website
26/06/2023 Duração: 09minShould you have a website up and running when your podcast launches? Well, I have two different opinions on this. Yes, it's great to have a website up and running when you podcast launches. Even if it's just a simple landing page, that's OK! You can always improve your website over time. No, it's not absolutely necessary, so if launching a website alongside your podcast is holding you back from getting started, then push it to the back burner and focus on getting your podcast live! Your website can follow. Here are some examples of different types of podcast website options. Remember, it doesn't have to be perfect! LinkTree: Leverage tools your hosting site offers (like Libsyn): Nicole and Kate Can Relate website (built on Transistor): Entrepreneurs On Fire website: Finally, I cover the 5 things I believe every podcast website needs once it's up and firing on all cylinders. Mentioned in thi
Q&A: How do I get my podcast listeners to engage with me?
19/06/2023 Duração: 07minEngagement. It's one of the most important aspects of your podcast, yet can also be one of the most difficult to get going. In this episode I share my favorite call to action - that actually works when it comes to getting listeners to engage! - plus my hacks for thinking outside of the box when it comes to communication with your audience. Follow me on Instagram! I'm katelerickson_ (this is a new handle because I got locked out of my old account!) If you have any questions about podcasting, I’d love to include them in our feature Q&A episodes! Send me an email: [email protected] or visit to submit your questions!
Measuring podcast growth: Your first 30 days
12/06/2023 Duração: 07minMeasuring your podcast growth is important; it's what will help confirm you're on track, making an impact, and getting one step closer to your goals. But you have to be intention about it. You can't just launch your podcast and then 3 months later expect results when you don't know exactly what those results are. This episode gives you a step by step for how to choose your podcast measurement, the importance of checking in with yourself (and how to do it), plus, how to make sure your podcast growth continues in the long-term. If you have any questions about podcasting, I’d love to include them in our feature Q&A episodes! Send me an email: [email protected] or visit to submit your questions!
Q&A: I’ll be doing a live stream podcast; any tips for keeping it focused?
05/06/2023 Duração: 09minWhen you choose to do a live stream podcast you're opening the door to anything happening. Without full control to edit or remove things you "don't like", live streaming is a risk. However, I think it's an awesome challenge! In today's episode I'm going to walk through everything I think you should consider if you're hosting a live stream, including: What to avoid What to look out for How to constantly be improving, and How to stay focused Questions about podcasting? Shoot me an email, or submit your questions over at to be featured on a future episode!
Publishing your podcast consistently
29/05/2023 Duração: 13minPublishing your podcast consistently has so many benefits. You never feel overwhelmed by the production process You have a much better chance at growing your podcast audience Your listeners always get what they're expecting The entire podcasting process becomes so much more fun! In this episode I break down a full sample schedule and give you a few simple tips to help you finally crack the code on publishing your podcast consistently. Questions about podcasting? Shoot me an email, or submit your questions over at to be featured on a future episode!
Q&A: Do podcast ratings and reviews matter?
22/05/2023 Duração: 04minIt's a common question, and I think there's a very simple and straightforward answer: YES, they do matter. Tune in for all the reasons I believe podcast ratings and reviews DO matter. Mentioned in this episode: Apple Podcasts: How Ratings & Reviews Help Your Podcast Questions about podcasting? Shoot me an email, or submit your questions over at to be featured on a future episode!
Your podcast launch strategy
15/05/2023 Duração: 12minYou might be wondering how to maximize your podcast launch, and lucky for you, I've got a strategy that's proven to work - and that's simple! This episode breaks down an entire podcast launch strategy so you can guarantee your podcast will launch with a bang! Tune in for important reminders and so you know what boxes HAVE to be checked in order to prepare for a smooth launch. Questions about podcasting? Shoot me an email, or submit your questions over at to be featured on a future episode!
Your podcast trailer
08/05/2023 Duração: 08minWhy is your podcast trailer episode so important, and information should you include? I'll also share how long this episode should be AND share an outline to help you get started! 3 Main things that should be included in your podcast trailer: Value of your podcast (what your listeners will get as a result of tuning in) Format and frequency (what can your listeners expect?) About YOU (introduce yourself and share why you started the podcast!) If you've never recorded a trailer episode for your podcast, don't worry - it's never too late! You can always backdate the episode to show up at the start of your feed. Want to update your trailer episode? You can do that, too! Just make sure you "replace" the file instead of uploading it as a new episode. Questions about podcasting? Shoot me an email, or submit your questions over at to be featured on a future episode!
Your podcast intro, outro, and call to action
01/05/2023 Duração: 14minShould your podcast intro and outro be produced? What should they include? And how can you best leverage your call to action (CTA) in every episode? Tune in to find out! Mentioned in this episode: Tim Paige voiceover artist Fiverr Questions about podcasting? Shoot me an email, or submit your questions over at to be featured on a future episode!
Q&A: How do I come up with fresh ideas for my podcast content?
24/04/2023 Duração: 08minToday's question comes from Louise. Louise has been podcasting for a long time, and she's wondering how she can come up with fresh ideas after hundreds of episodes! You're in for a treat, because I've got a few tips on how to do just that... If you have podcasting questions that you want featured on a future Q&A episode, submit them here!
Preparing your podcast content
17/04/2023 Duração: 11minIn this episode I'm diving into all the ways you can save massive amounts of time by preparing your podcast content ahead of time. We'll cover: How to create an outline you can use over and over again Researching & booking guests (OnceHub, Calendly) Batch recording - how to do it and why My favorite way to create podcast content: Seasons Have questions about podcasting? I'd love to feature them in a future Q&A episode! Submit your podcasting questions here.
Creating your podcast artwork
10/04/2023 Duração: 08minYour podcast artwork is a big deal, but it shouldn't hold you back from launching your podcast. In this episode I review everything you need to know about size, requirements, and my best tips for making your podcast artwork speak directly to your audience. Want a deep dive into all things podcast artwork? Here you go: Your Podcast Artwork Must Include These 5 Things Apple Podcasts artwork requirements: Canva: Design your own artwork! hire someone else to create your artwork for you! Get a power pack for free! Have a question about podcasting? I'd love to feature it in a future Q&A episode! Submit your podcasting questions here.
Your podcast media host
03/04/2023 Duração: 16minWhat's the best media host for my podcast? We think Libsyn. It's who we use, and you can get the rest of this month and next month FREE with our promo code (since we're affiliates): FIRE. If you have a video podcast, check out PodBean. In this episode I dive deep into what a media host is, why you need one, and answer other commonly asked questions like: Why shouldn't I use a free media host for my podcast? Can I host my own audio files on my website? You can also read an in-depth blog post on the topic on our website: The Best Podcast Hosting Services Have questions about podcasting? Submit them to be featured in a future Q&A episode!
The best podcast equipment and software
27/03/2023 Duração: 10minChoosing your podcast equipment and software shouldn't be difficult, stressful or confusing. Tune in to today's episode for a full rundown of the best podcast equipment and software - no matter your budget or podcast format. If you have any questions about podcasting, I’d love to include them in our feature Q&A episodes! Send me an email: [email protected] or visit to submit your questions!
Naming your podcast
20/03/2023 Duração: 10minNaming your podcast is an important step on your way to launching. The biggest mistake I see people make when it comes to naming their podcast? They try to be clever instead of just being CLEAR. Your goal with naming your podcast should be that your avatar sees it and knows immediately that it's the exact podcast they want and need. In this episode I share an exercise and some questions to ask yourself as you brainstorm names for your podcast. If you have any questions about podcasting, I’d love to include them in our feature Q&A episodes! Send me an email: [email protected] or visit to submit your questions!