All the free audio material Dr. Miller has published, including news updates, timely messages, audio articles, as well as all the free guided imagery, meditation, and self-hypnosis experiences. All the episodes of his weekly radio show, Conversations with Extraordinary People, are here, as well as answers to your questions on Ask Dr. Miller. A treasure trove of amazing facts and powerful Software for the Mind to help you Change Your Mind, Change Your Life. Many of Dr. Millers radio shows, interviews, free meditations and guided imagery and other appearances are available here. You will notice that these span a number of topic areas, ranging from Healing The Body to Peak Performance and Holistic Global Perspective.
Getting the Most From Social Networks: a Conversation with Dr. Nicholas A. Christakis [Free Podcast]
03/04/2020 Duração: 20minI am pleased to welcome Nicholas A. Christakis, MD, PhD, MPH, is an internist and social scientist who conducts research on social factors that affect health, health care, and longevity.
Coronavirus: How to Dispel Fear and Resist Viral Infection (Free Heart-to-Heart Talk, Guided Imagery, & More)
17/03/2020 Duração: 18minThis is a very troubling time for each of us as individuals, for our families, our nation and our world as a whole. Remember, you are not in this alone, we are in it together. At times like this it is also well to remember Weiji, the Chinese word and character for “crisis,” which is […]
The Love Meditation
19/02/2020 Duração: 16minThis imagery will guide you to experience your ability to feel the emotion of Love. You have felt love at certain times in your life, and it is the feeling you learned to feel during these times that are revived when you are touched by a beautiful love story, a romantic film that makes you cry, or touching family photos. The state one enters when feeling these emotions is ideal for creativity, play, healing, or peak performance.
Between Lives: A New Year’s Imagery on Letting Go
11/01/2020 Duração: 16minIn our culture we would say that someone has “died”, but many sects of Buddhism would say that only the body dies, but that a deeper, more essential aspect of ourselves enters the “Bardo,” the state of existence intermediate between two lives on earth. In this state evaluate your...
Mindfulness and Your Mind: Step 1 (video and free meditation)
19/10/2019 Duração: 03minOur imagery this week will be an introduction to mindfulness meditation. In this video, excerpted from one of my professional trainings, I will share an important experience from my life, and then the mindfulness experience. In this relaxed state the power of the imagery you hold in your mind is multiplied, as is the power of the words you say to yourself. Sometimes the changes come about so quickly, completely and permanently it’s almost as if the messages you are giving your mind, are magic words.
Creating Your Island of Peace Meditation
31/07/2019 Duração: 06minThis FREE guided imagery experience is a perfect way to begin to learn to heal deeply. Because stress is such a...
The Magic of Silence – a Conversation with ex-Carmelite Nun Kimberly Braun
02/02/2019 Duração: 01h00sIn this conversation with Kimberly Braun, you will learn about the profoundly positive role that silence can play in your life if you tune in to it!
Spontaneous Violence and The Hero Project – a Conversation with Dr. Phil Zimbardo
01/02/2019 Duração: 01h00sDr. Zimbardo became world famous as a result of his startling “Stanford Prison Experiment,” in which he randomly assigned psychologically normal college students to play the role of either prisoners or guards. Within a few days the two groups became more and more violent with each other – so much so that it became necessary […]
Larger Than Life, Liberal Arts Education and Global Leadership in the New Millennium – Emmet Miller MD Explores a presentation by a college colleague, Kirby Talley
19/01/2018 Duração: 01h07minIn this experimental presentation, Dr Miller adds his thoughts to a moving speech that was given by his college classmate Kirby Talley about life, leadership, values and collective wisdom.
What Is High-Quality Homeopathy? – A Conversation With Roger Morrison MD, Co-founder of America’s Original Homeopathic College
09/04/2016In this conversation with Roger Morrison MD, you will learn about his philosophy and his against the grain life path of letting the world know about the healing wonders of homeopathy.
Cure Depression and Find Happiness Without Drugs – A Conversation with Jonathan Robinson
02/04/2016 Duração: 01h00sIn this conversation with Jonathan Robinson and Dr. Miller you will learn about various techniques to cure depression and find happiness on your own without assistance from anything or anyone. They provide practical information that you can immediately use to feel better.
Death with Dignity and Comfort by Choice – A Conversation with Gary Knisely and Judy Schwartz PhD
02/04/2016 Duração: 01h08sIn this conversation with Gary Knisely, you will learn about the difficulties of his experience with assisting his beloved wife with her death and in the second segment you will learn about the work of Judy Schwartz PhD in the realm of end of life choices.
Where’s Whitney Now? A Story of Love and Dementia – A Conversation with Don Cramer
27/02/2016Don and Whitney had experienced many years of a deep, warm, and joyful Love. Then, in her fifties, Whitney began to show the signs of Dementia. She was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, which worsened over the next 10 years. Don’s life readily shifted from that of a loving husband to that of a loving caregiver, as […]
7 Steps of Hope – Healing from Chronic Illness and Disability – A Conversation with Nancy Gordon LCSW
23/02/2016 Duração: 01h26sIn this conversation with Nancy Gordon LCSW you will learn about 7 Steps of Hope - a process that she created to help people heal from Chronic Illness and Disability.
Spiritual Telepathy – A Conversation with Colleen Mauro
22/02/2016 Duração: 01h00sIn this conversation you will learn about Colleen Mauro's work of teaching about Spiritual Telepathy and helping people to realize the untapped power of their minds through connection with their spirit .
The Power of Forgiveness – A Conversation with Frederic Luskin, PhD
22/12/2015 Duração: 01h00sIn this conversation with Dr. Miller and Dr. Luskin, you will learn about Dr. Luskin's life's work as he provides insight into the healing powers and medical benefits of forgiveness.
Getting to the Promised Land Without Spending 40 Years in a Wilderness – A Conversation with Reverend Michael Schulenberg
19/12/2015 Duração: 01h24sIn this Conversation with Dr. Miller you will learn about the work of The Reverend Michael Schulenberg and his book "Get to the Promised Land Without Spending 40 Years in a Wilderness" . You will also experience a sharing between two old friends who have been on very different life paths in pursuing questions about healing , life and accessing our deepest healing power and wisdom to transform our lives but they have come to very resonant insights and conclusions.
Wake Up to Your Dreams : Transform Your Relationships, Career, and Health While you Sleep – A Conversation with Justina Lasley
18/12/2015 Duração: 01h27sIn this conversation with Dr. Miller and Justina Lasley, you will learn about utilizing the power of your dreams to enrich your relationships, career and health to create greater happiness in your life.
The Essence of Meditation and Spiritual Freedom – A Conversation with Ex-Carmelite Nun Kimberly Braun M.A. CSP
18/12/2015 Duração: 01h20sIn this interview, Dr. Miller and Kimberly Braun talk about her life's journey in finding her own spiritual freedom which has culminated in her becoming a nun, a spiritual guide and a reiki master among other things.